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River Thames Society

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About Us

The River Thames Society was formed in 1962 to conserve the river for future generations and represents all river users whether they be fishermen, walkers, boat owners or just interested in its very rich history, traditions, flora and fauna.


The Society is a membership organisation and registered charity (no. 288380).


The aims of the Society are:

  • To protect the natural beauty of the river, adjacent lands and buildings of historical and architectural interest and to promote nature conservation;

  • To preserve and extend amenities and to encourage the use of the river for all purposes.

  • To support and contribute to the efforts of other organisations associated with the River Thames;


The Society is represented on

  • the Port of London Authority's River Users' Consultative Forums,

  • the Environment Agency's Thames Waterways Forum

  • River User Groups

  • Thames Path Partnership

  • Many other river-connected bodies


River Thames Society Rules and Organisation


The Society operates in accordance with the Rules.


Society Officials


President: Professor Robert Van de Noort CBE



Lady Borwick, Mark Edwards MBE, Sir David Suchet CBE



Peter Finch


Hon Treasurer

John Tamsitt


Vice-Chairman - Tidal

Hilary Pereira


Vice-Chairman – Non Tidal

Gillian Rix


River Warden Co-ordinator - Tidal

Peter Finch


River Warden Co-ordinators - Non-Tidal

Contact Branch Chairmen.


Barge Master

Roy Miller


Editor Thames Guardian

 Ross Stokes,


Web Manager

Peter Hall



Helen Batten - Tel: 01491 612456



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Thames Path Sign

001 source Peter Finch.jpg

Source at Thames Head

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Shepperton Lock Island

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Marlow Weir


Royal Rowbarge Gloriana

From Eye.jpg

The River Thames in Central London

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Barge Race

Annual General Meeting

The Society’s 62nd AGM was held on 13th April 2024 at the Community Centre, Staines-upon-Thames.

The Chairman welcomed members and Vice-President Lady Borwick to the meeting and went on to expand on some items in the Annual Report, also noting that there had been a strong stream in the river since October, with the Thames Barrier closed on many occasions.


The minutes of the 2023 AGM were endorsed and the Report and Accounts for the year 2022/23 were presented by Independent Examiner, Ian Anderson and Honorary Treasurer, John Tamsitt and then approved. Members went on to reappoint Ian Anderson and Company Secretary/ Honorary Solicitor Guy Barlow for a further year.


The Chairman reported that the President, Lord Owen had stepped down after serving for ten years and that he would be succeeded by Professor Robert Van de Noort CBE. Members expressed their thanks to Lord Owen for his support of RTS during his years of office and welcomed the new President, who was formally elected.


The Branch Chairmen were endorsed as ex officio Directors and Council members : Robert Heavens ( Upper Thames ), Roy Miller ( Teddington to Old Windsor), Hilary Pereira ( Upper Tideway) and Peter Finch ( Central Tideway & Estuary), with the Middle Thames Chairman still to be elected.


Of the nine Elective Directors the 3-year term of office had expired for Tom Berman, David Lambert and Abigail Reynolds  who were duly nominated and seconded and, with no other nominees, were re-elected.


Under Any Other Business items raised  included the management of the non-tidal river, the need for additional funding for the Environment Agency , recruitment of new members, flood management, pollution from sewage discharges ,maintenance of the Thames Path and the opportunities to raise these issues during the forthcoming electoral period.


The meeting concluded with the annual awards after which Administrator, Helen Batten was thanked for her work during the year and the Chairman hoping everyone would enjoy the river and its activities during the months to come.


Thank you
Thank you to our Members who have contributed material and photographs for our website including: Alix Horne (Amax Designs - maps), Sue Milton (Thames Cards), Peter Finch, Peter Hall, David Lomax.

The Legal Information
The River Thames Society is a registered charity no. 288380; company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 1747301. Registered office: Beaumont House, 28 Beaumont Road, Windsor SL4 1JP

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