With all ‘out and about’ activities suspended because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, here is a wonderful chance for one lucky RTS member to own a unique wooden table 'The Silver River' featuring the River Thames in silver leaf and for all those who buy tickets to help an important River Thames charity.
About the table
Mike Orme has carved the river from source to sea in this beautiful table of Sheesham wood, illuminated in silver leaf, 1400 mm long, 465 mm wide and 455 mm high.
River Thames Society
Join Us
Since 1962, the Society has helped look after the River Thames for its protection and promotion from the source to the sea.
If the River Thames features in your life or you would like it to, then become a RTS Member now and help us to:
Safeguard the river’s natural beauty, its banks and historic buildings
Promote the importance of nature conservation
Encourage everyone to enjoy and use the river
Campaign on issues affecting the well-being of the river, its tributaries and wider catchment.
By becoming a member, you can help the Society to be the voice of the whole river. Your support will help us make a positive difference to the Thames, both in your local area and in issues that affect the full length of our most important and historic river.
Benefits of Membership
River Thames Society members receive:
invitations to join special river trips, attend talks and other events organised for them
the RTS journal, published quarterly, and other branch communications
news of current campaigns and planning issues affecting the river and its environment
have opportunities to take part in voluntary activities, such as clean ups,
acting as a River Warden

Membership Categories
We offer annual membership for individuals, families, juniors and students, clubs and amenity societies, companies and those living overseas. Individuals and families may join as life members. Download our membership leaflet here.
Annual Membership Subscriptions
Individual: £20
Joint*: £25
Junior/Student £10
Society/ Club £15
Corporate £50
Life Membership
Individual £320
Joint* x £400
* Joint Membership is for two people living at the same address
How to Join
There are several ways to join as an Annual Member:
Join/renew using a debit/credit card or Paypal online here.
Set up a standing order (download and complete Membership Form)
Set up a bank transfer (please contact Membership Secretary)
By Cheque (download and complete Membership Form)
To join us as a Life Member, please complete the Life Membership Application Form and email/post it to us. Payment may be made online, by bank transfer or cheque.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete a Gift Aid form and send it to RTS. We are able to claim an additional 25p from the Government for every £1 of your membership subscription.
Our Address
Please send signed Gift Aid forms, Membership Application Forms and Standing Order Forms to:
Membership Secretary
River Thames Society
23a Cuxham Road
Oxfordshire OX49 5JW
email: admin@riverthamessociety.org.uk