With all ‘out and about’ activities suspended because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, here is a wonderful chance for one lucky RTS member to own a unique wooden table 'The Silver River' featuring the River Thames in silver leaf and for all those who buy tickets to help an important River Thames charity.
About the table
Mike Orme has carved the river from source to sea in this beautiful table of Sheesham wood, illuminated in silver leaf, 1400 mm long, 465 mm wide and 455 mm high.
Chairman: Roy Miller
Email: themillers@vicarage42.co.uk
As our branch name suggests, we cover the most interesting (that’s what we think anyway!) stretch of the river from Old Windsor through bustling and cosmopolitan towns and tranquil countryside, passing historic palaces and national monuments, to Teddington Lock, the first non-tidal lock on the River Thames.
We are a very lively branch, currently the second largest, and combine activities to support the overall aims and objectives of the Society with a social programme tailored to the needs and wants of our members. At one end of the spectrum there are monthly pub lunches, normally at riverside hostelries, when members can get together for a chat and exchange views on current developments affecting our river. On a slightly more formal note we arrange evening talks by guest speakers on a variety of river-related subjects. For example, recently we’ve had talks on the history and continuing story of the Dunkirk Little Ships, the design, engineering and future of the Thames Barrier, a fascinating insight into the work of the Met Police’s Marine Response Unit, the history of the Thames bridges on our stretch from medieval times to the present and an equally fascinating and meticulously researched history of some of the Thames' islands. Additionally there are occasional visits and outings, such as a trip on an amphibious vehicle (DUWK) along the Thames at Windsor and a visit to Mapledurham Mill.
To further enhance the mission of the Society we represent our branch at River Users Group (RUG) meetings and report back to our membership on issues that may affect them. This ranges from illegal mooring, flooding issues right through to inappropriate development. We have attended many of the River Thames Scheme forums and drop-in sessions and have provided what we consider is some very useful input. Our River Wardens continue to carry out sterling work on their regular inspections of the river and reporting back on specific issues that need addressing.
Any organisation is only as strong as its membership and there is an ongoing recruitment programme involving stands at locks and appropriate events along with constant handing out of publicity material and one-to-one “selling” by our boat owners on their cruises up and down the river.
Branch Chairman's Report (February 2024)
A Talk by John Cotton on 'One Thames or Two: The Early History of London River'
7.30pm at St. James' Parish Hall, Church Street, Weybridge, was well received by members
We continue to keep an eye on planning applications that may impact the river.
Members are encouraged to submit comments during the consultation period
for the River Thames Scheme -
The Branch will be submitting a response to the consultation.
A new date for the Branch AGM will be announced as soon as possible.
Our forthcoming events are listed in the Events Diary .