With all ‘out and about’ activities suspended because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, here is a wonderful chance for one lucky RTS member to own a unique wooden table 'The Silver River' featuring the River Thames in silver leaf and for all those who buy tickets to help an important River Thames charity.
About the table
Mike Orme has carved the river from source to sea in this beautiful table of Sheesham wood, illuminated in silver leaf, 1400 mm long, 465 mm wide and 455 mm high.
Chairman: Hilary Pereira
020 8892 5086
Hon Secretary: Pat Speight
020 8948 0643
The Upper Tideway branch has a limited social programme of talks, walks and picnics, some together with other local groups.
We have a presence at various annual events, such as Tidefest, the Great River Race and Richmond Fair, and currently host the RTS cutter alongside a vintage craft just below Richmond bridge. With other local groups, we engage with the Thames Landscape Strategy, supporting and enhancing on our special local Arcadia.
We have an interest in planning matters, trying to preserve what is best about the river, and are ever watchful for applications, including any new non-mobile houseboats, that appear to encroach on precious river space.
The river authority for us is the Port of London Authority We responded last year to their proposals for changing the legislation under which they operate, but have yet to hear how they propose to proceed.
We are a small branch in terms of the length of the river we cover, but hope we punch above our weight, for example in relation to policy matters.
Current Activities - Branch Update (February 2025)
The breach on the towpath near Kew gardens has been extending, although since the Thames path now stops at Richmond lock, and by the Brentford gate of Kew Gardens, it is not easy to observe this from the land. Richmond as the local Council seems to be leading the plans for repairs.
After our recent meeting on planning on the river, there have been further discussions with key people including the Thames Landscape Strategy (TLS), and it is hoped they will take forward some of the recommendations. We have commented on and are awaiting final planning decisions on residential development at ‘the boathouse’ on Ranelagh Drive. Developments on the Peggy Jean restaurant pontoon are being delayed by a JR challenge to the inspectorate’s decision, a decision we had supported. The RTS is commenting on a flurry of planning appeals concerning the River Thames Visitor Centre (RTVC). Another active local planning issue is the inquiry on the Stag Brewery in Mortlake, with the RTS only taking a passive role this time.
The Port of London Authority (PLA) uses the PLA Act 1968 in its control of the tidal river and it now wants to change this Act, using a Harbour Revision Order (HRO). A process to achieve this has been going on for some years, with the RTS responding to various consultations. We are now deep in preparations for a public inquiry, starting 24th February. See the ‘RTS in Action’ section of the RTS website for more information on the HRO and how to access the papers, including those from the RTS.
Ian who had lived on a raft by Marble Hill for many years died at the end of October. His raft started to list badly in the flooding river towards the end of the drain off and after the removal of personal effects, the PLA arranged for it to be removed. A lovely man who will be missed.
After some years based alongside Lilian, the RTS cutter should soon be leaving us to go upriver.
We held our Xmas drinks on the 10th December and are now looking forward to the branch AGM on Wednesday 19th February, together with the illustrated talk from David Schofield on his splendid collection of postcards of the local river. In the forward diary we have another riverbank walk, this time from Ham to Teddington Tuesday 1st April.
Pease see details of planned events on the Events page.
Hilary Pereira
Branch Chairman